What Are You Anyways Short Film on mixed-race issues wins award. An animated short film What Are You Anyways?, based on the life experiences of filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns won the award for best animated short subject at the Canadian Awards for Electronic and Animated Arts last week. The film which examines the issues of racism in a small town, is an autobiographical recollection of Jeff's life growing up as a mixed-race person in Kelowna, part of British Columbia, Canada. It looks at particular periods in his life where he battles with finding an identity - from his childhood origins to his acknowledgement of once being ashamed of his Japanese heritage. Since the release of What Are You Anyways?, Jeff, who is of Japanese, Scottish, German and Russian parentage has become somewhat of a spokesperson for Hapa (a person of mixed Asian decent) advocacy by writing articles and lecturing at conferences, universities, and workshops about mixed-race identity and issues. This is not the only Accolade for What Are You Anyways?, it has received incredible international praise, winning seven awards and screening at more than 35 international film festivals to date.
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