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French Parents Show They Do Care

child with thumb raisedAs they hide youngsters threatened with deportation.

The plight of thousands of children being deported to countries they do not know, barely raises an eyebrow in the U.K. but the French government has not been so lucky.

Accused of tightening immigration law in an attempt to appeal to voters on the far-right, the French government didn't expect a middle-class backlash to its current plans to deport 26,000 illegal immigrants, many of them children.

In homes across France, an unofficial network has sprung up of French people so horrified by the prospect of deporting children that they are prepared to hide the youngsters in their homes, away from their parents, so the police cannot deport them.

Under French law, it would be illegal to deport children without their parents and vice-versa.

The Réseau Education Sans Frontiéres (RESF) pressure group is behind the dispersal of children to the home of volunteer families. Its activities has struck a chord with local communities organising symbolic 'adoption' ceremonies. Across France the number of children being hidden by host families is expected to run into the thousands.

One parent involved in the campaign even likened it to the war effort telling the Telegraph, 'There are comparisons to be made between us and the people who hid Jews during the war, even if the consequences are not so grave.'

Actually the consequences are very grave indeed and well done to all those standing up to the French government.


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